Monday, October 6, 2008

Ask the Experts:Validation Process (online event)

This event aimed to answer stakeholders’ queries about the validation process using threads as an asynchronous communication. It ran for 2 hours on Thursday afternoon. Primarily Chris and I thought of running this event side by side from the LDI office however we later changed the plan as it was more useful to have his colleagues around him for consultation in the ADI office.

A reminder was sent to all community members a few days before the event. We asked Chris Gray to start a new discussion on the Forum page and decided to name it with the event name so his photo appeared on the discussion.

Members were provided with a guide on how to enter the discussion on the help page and also informed on the forum page to contact me or Sue for any technical problems

The event started at 2pm with a welcome message from Chris to the attending members prompting them to ask their questions. Members entered their questions in the forum and Chris answered accordingly. As there were some pauses in the discussion we (I and LDI team members) asked the validation team some questions to keep the event running. Members had to refresh their pages on the community to view any new threads on the discussion. The event closed at 4.00pm.

Although we had 57 members join the community, not all of them joined the discussion. Maybe this was because this was the first event we had held and members had prior commitments but we were pleased with the response and participation however we are hoping that more members will join in in the future.

Sue K suggested it would useful to keep the Ask the Experts: Validation Process forum open so members could submit questions as and when they have them, either Chris or one of his colleagues could reply at a convenient time. However this would require checking the forum discussion every day for any new queries. Sue L did not agree with this as she preferred the event to be concluded at its finishing time on that day and that if there are any further questions they are to be directed to the validation team or community members.