Copyrights issue was raised in the meeting on July 8th. This was concerned about the uploaded validation documents, will they be belong to NING?
I have designated the network as private so only invited staff can sign up to become members and it will be visible to them only.
Investiagtion has been carried out by contacting Ning support team who ensured that any content submitted to private network will be deemed to be private content. Private content is licensed for use only within the network into which it is posted. Ning does not claim any ownership rights in the content we provide. We own the content we create and upload.
Ning uses industry standard security measures to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under thier control. They store the information in a secure operating environment that is not available to the public. However, they do not guarantee complete security. as they cannot guarantee that their security measures will prevent third-party "hackers" from illegally obtaining this information.