At present DIVAS COP support team consists of Chris Gray, Sue Kneill and myself. We have agreed to complete our action points before the next DIVAS meeting in September.
Chris Gray has not decided on the online event‘s name for September. However he found out the meeting date of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Committee (LTEC) which will be 13th October. We can demo DIVAS project to senior managers to raise the awareness at this meeting. He sent me links of validation documents of The Quality Improvement Service website to be posted onto the main page of DIVAS COP.
Sue Kneill has got a list of names of award leaders and is still looking for an online live presentation software to be used in our online events.
I have created a guide for new users of DIVAS Community of Practice on how to get into Forum discussion. Sue Kneill and I decided to attach this guide in the invitation which will be sent on 15th September, to ensure that all users are getting smoothly into DIVAS social network and avoiding any frustration and wastage of time.
I have edited a brief introduction to DIVAS project to be included in the invitation email which informs staff about the project and next online event. This should be included with the invitation
I have produced an initial presentation of the DIVAS project. The slides will demonstrate the aims and objectives of the project and the approaches and techniques that will be used to implement the system. Chris Gray and I originally thought about presenting these slides in a face-to-face event in October, however Sue Lee being the project manager, decided to create the presentation by herself and asked me and Chris Gray to present it with her.
I have not had the chance to shoot an introduction video of DIVAS project as we gave this task a low priority.
Few questions I thought of to be appeared on the registry page e.g. Could you please introduce yourself (i.e. brief idea about your role), What is your expectation of DIVAS community of practice?. This will help us to know more details about our clients’ requirements and expectations.